Question : Problem: Intel DG35EC Video Problem

  This one is tough. Yesterday I got in my first batch of Intel DG35EC motherboards. In all very nice until I loaded XP. The problem has to have something to do with the refresh rate on the on-board video adapter. I am using the HD-15 Analog. Not the DVI-D. Edges of radio buttons flicker, the address bar in IE 6 has flickering lines through it, nothing real sever but very noticeable. Even when installing XP it gets to the point where the GUI takes over and everything is flickering.

   I have called Intel and they are absolutely no help. I asked them about the problem with some PATA DVD/CD Rom drives with this board and they didn't even acknowledge it existed even though it is plastered all over the internet.

   I have cracked open 3 of these motherboards and the all do the same thing. Its predecessor, the DG33BU, works just fine. Same case, memory, hard drive, CD-ROM and monitor. No flicker. Intel ain't talking but it can't be just me.

   Has anyone else experienced this priblem with the DG35RC mobo? Anyone want to take a shot at a BIOS setting that could correct the problem?


Answer : Problem: Intel DG35EC Video Problem

Did you update the BIOS to the most current one before you did the install?   The 072 BIOS was only released a few weeks ago ... so may not have already been installed on the board.

Do you have a monitor that accepts DVI input?   It would be good to know if the same problem is evident with that output.  

Your comment that "... it gets to the point where the GUI takes over and everything is flickering. " implies that it's stable until that point => is that true?   If so, it certainly seems like a driver issue --> have you installed the Intel graphics driver & looked at the available settings in it to perhaps change the refresh rate?
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