Question : Problem: SMS errors 25001 and 1321with Office 2003

  A few of our workstations had the following error when trying to instal thel SMS client, wondering if anyone has ideas what these errors are and how to resolve them.

1 - Product: SMS Advanced Client -- Error 25001. Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances
The error code is 80041003

2 - Product: SMS Advanced Client -- Error 1321. The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:\WINNT\system32\msvcp60.dll


Answer : Problem: SMS errors 25001 and 1321with Office 2003

With this error
1 - Product: SMS Advanced Client -- Error 25001. Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances
The error code is 80041003

I did a little searching and found that the setup doesn' t like the way the file table is acting.
Run chkdsk and defrag. (with appropriate switches)
That should help.
2 - Product: SMS Advanced Client -- . The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:\WINNT\system32\msvcp60.dll
Error 1321
The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file:
This error code only occurs when using Windows Installer version 2.0
Windows Installer 3.1 (v2)
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