Question : Problem: Using Nt backup to backup two 2003 std. servers to a single external drive

A client called and asked if he could backup both his 2003 std. servers to a single external drive connected via USB 2.0 to the DC using the existing built-in NT backup utility on one or both servers.

He stated he has two drives and one would be rotated off site every other day. He does not have a lot of money right now to do anything else.

Can this be setup to run like this?

Answer : Problem: Using Nt backup to backup two 2003 std. servers to a single external drive

Where I implemented it, it was a two-stage process.

A. NT Backup runs on Server B to pick out what wants to be backed up and backs it up to a local backup.bkf file. This makes it convenient because it creates one file to move and does some compression at the same time. Schedule NT Backup to run nightly (or whatever)

B. Copy the file to Server A.
Make a batch file with a command like the following:
copy \\serverB\backupfolder\backup.bkf \\serverA\backupfolder\backupB.bkf /Y
Schedule the batch file to run. The /Y parameter suppresses copy prompts and messages.

You can test this by:
A. Scheduling the NT Backup and letting it run. Check the existence of the bkf file and make sure the log says all completed properly
B. Create the batch file and run it manually to see that it works.

Then schedule it all and test.
... Thinkpads_User
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