Question : Problem: Three questions in SCCM 2007

Dear All,

I have three questions in SCCM 2007:

1- How we can make a query in SCCM to know all clients which they have SMS 3 client installed?
2- How can I know which SCCM version that I have (RTM, Released, Evaluation, SP1 or R2)?
3- In SCCM client side, how can I know what are the client version installed (SMS 3, SCCM, SCCM SP1)?


Answer : Problem: Three questions in SCCM 2007

Question Nr. 1
You mean the ConfigMgr Client?!?
Create a query with the following sql query:

select Name, ClientVersion, ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, LastLogonUserDomain, LastLogonUserName, ADSiteName, IPAddresses, ResourceId, ResourceType from  SMS_R_System where Client = 1 and ClientVersion > "4.00"

Question Nr. 2
ConfigMgr Console --> Site Database --> Site Management --> right click your site + Properties
Then check in the internet for the version which is listed.
For RTM, it is 4.00.5931.0000
For SP1, it is 4.00.6221.1000

Question Nr. 3
On the Client goto Control Panel -> ConfigMgr Properties -> Tab General -> Configmgr Clientversion
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