Question : Problem: HP Procurve to Cisco 877 default gateway issue

Hi there Guys n Gals,

I have a problem and I could do with some assistance please.

I have a test bench setup that I am using to get ready for an install at a school.  I have a HP 4104gl running 2 VLANs (config below):

ip routing
snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted
vlan 1
   name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
   untagged A1-A12,A21-A22,B2-B6,C2-C6
   ip address
   ip address
   tagged B1
   no untagged A13-A20,C1
vlan 2
   name "VLAN2"
   untagged A13-A20
   ip address
   tagged B1,C1
ip route

PCs connected to both VLANs talk to each other problems there.  The part i am trying to get working is the 'default gateway' on the 4104.

Because all of the clients have their DG set as the relevant VLAN IP on the 4104, i need the 4104 to forward any other traffic (internet traffic) to a router on my live network (877w -

My live network is all on VLAN1.  Currently 4104 A1 is patched directly into my Cisco 877w fa2.  I have messed around with trying to create a trunk between the HP and Cisco but seem to get the same results as if i leave both ports (A1 and fa2) as access ports (VLAN1).

At the moment the 4104 can ping the router and can ping and external address.  The router can ping the V1IP ( of the 4104 but cannot ping any other address on the switch. Any client on the 4104 (both vlan 1 & 2) can ping all ip addresses on the switch, but cannot ping the router (

Any ideas?  Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you, Andy.

Answer : Problem: HP Procurve to Cisco 877 default gateway issue

Do you have NAT configured? Did you add the to the nat permit acl?
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