Question : Problem: Slow Keyboard Response Time

I just purchased a Dell Inspiron 1520 loaded with Windows XP.  I opted not to get Vista due to the bad reviews.  In any event, just recently my keyboard stopped responding quickly.  When I type there is a lag before the letters show up on the screen.  It is an intermittent problem.  When I first start typing it responds quickly but then it slows up.  I searched all over the internet and have tried numerous techniques to solve the problem with no luck.  When I called Dell they did some items and then let me know I would have to reinstall XP which I don't want to do yet without trying to solve the problem.  To date I have tried the following: 1) going to the control panel and changing repeat delay and repeat rate settings, uninstalling the keyboard.sys files and then reinstalling it, diabling IE plug-ins.  Nothing has worked.  Any hints out there??

Answer : Problem: Slow Keyboard Response Time

when this starts happening, do a ctrl-alt-del to open task manager. Click on CPU to sort by CPU percent. The highest should be at the top. Is there anything suddenly hogging the processor? Also, run another hijack this and take a look at it. Is all the google stuff, especially updater, now gone?

Another thing. Norton... MAJOR resource hog. This can cripple you if there is even the slightest problem with it. A recent update may have hosed you. Try disabling it temporarily to see how things work. Disconnect from the net while doing so if no other protection exists. Norton may be trying to communicate with it's update site and having trouble, thereby hanging the system.
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