Question : Problem: Hard drive crash

So I was on my computer this morning, trying to check my e-mail, but Outlook kept crashing. Finally, out of boredom I clicked debug instead of close, and I got a blue screen of death. I didn't get enough time to read the error, because the machine reset, but when it tried to boot, it said no disk was detected. I used my XP CD to get into the Recovery Console, and ran fixboot, but now when it tries to boot it says it can't find boot.ini in the windows folder. I put the drive in my other computer, and it mounts, but I can't access it. I tried running chkdsk, but I get a whole bunch of file record segment unreadable errors. I'm scared to run fixmbr because when I tried, it gave that warning saying my drive did not appear to have standard partitions. Does anybody have any ideas to get my files back? I've contacted some data recovery places, but they all start at around $500. My friend's dad is a senior vp at Seagate, and might be able to get it for me half price, but that's still $250 I don't really want to spend on a 80GB drive, but I need my files.

Answer : Problem: Hard drive crash

Download getdataback, scan the disk with it, and it'll show you what is recoverable. If you now pay and register the software, you will be able to copy off all the data you want recovered. Getdataback doesn't write anything to the bad disk, so it is the safest to use, and usually the recovery rate is very close to 100%.
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