Question : Problem: NetConfig jobs failing on network devices

I am using Cisco Works Version 4.0.5. I used NetConfig jobs to run automatic jobs on Cisco Switches and other devices on my network. I get about a 50% failure rate on every job. 150 devices take the job and 150 devices fail. I get the error: "ERROR:RME_CDL1031:Transport session to device failed TFTP: Failed on the device. SSH: Failed to establish SSH connection to x.x.x.x - Cause: Authentication failed on device 3 times." But I can SSH or telnet to these devices outside of Cisco Works. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Thanks.  

Answer : Problem: NetConfig jobs failing on network devices

I had the exact same problem as you and I read the article above but the solutions offered were of no use to me. In particular i was following the section that read:

"NetConfig Job Failed Because of Telnet Timeout"
NetConfig jobs can sometimes timeout and the configuration changes fail, especially if the devices are over WAN links, or if you schedule configuration changes for multiple devices.

You can modify TelnetTimeout values (the default is 60 seconds) and increase them accordingly in TransportIos.ini and/or TransportCat.ini. The default location is:


From Windows NT or Windows2000

As our Ciscoworks box is actually running Windows Server 2003 (x64 edition) I couldnot find the Transport.ini or transportcat.ini files. However, the articles did alert me to the fact that I might need to find another way of increasing the telnet timeout time.

As such I went into Ciscoworks RME under the heading of administration. In this section I navigated to RME Device Attributes - in here are telnettimeout settings and tftp timeout settings. I changed my settings from:

Telnettimeout 36seconds
TFTP timeout 5 seconds


Telnet timeout 60 seconds
TFTP timeout 30 seconds

After applying these settings I ran netconfig again on a small LAN at our work (40 devices) and it ran successfully.

I hope this helps you too!
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