Question : Problem: Gaming PC configuration

Hi guys,

Need advice on a gaming rig configuration . I am  in UK and here is what I have been offered for £1200, but they say thay can customize it anyway I want to.. They also say prices will go up to £1500 for the same specs in January? Is this true? i thought prices only go down, or do they expect the USD to get so much stronger agains the pound? Anyway, I'd appreciate if you will have a look and let me know what you think.



CPU - Q6600;  THe machine will be overclocked by the supplier to 3.5 ghz. Don't know what the cooler is but it is air. What would you recommend if I wanted to customize this? (could be fine the way it is, as I don't know what it is, but what would you recommend anyway)

RAM - 4 GB OCZ 2x2GB; OS Vista 64. Since it uses double the bandwidth of a 32 bit OS (or does it?) would it make more sense to have 8GB of RAM or is this a bit of an overkill? If sticking to 4GB, would 4 x 1gb modules be better having the overclock in mind?

GRAPHICS CARD - NVIDIA GTX 280 XFX (again, open to suggestions)

PSU - Coolemaster 1000w


LOGITECH G15 REV 2 keyboard


PSU - 1000 W Coolemaster

Case - Coolermaster elite 330


Answer : Problem: Gaming PC configuration

Not sure how prices are out there in UK....but usually yes prices go down.  (used to work at the retail computer store for the past 6 years).
Usual trend is to go down.  However high end video cards, and Larger drives, as well as high end Video cards could sometimes be hard to get ahold of during the Christmas season, and then the trend continue on thru after the Christmas season.  That being said sometimes the prices don't necessarily go down, but to go up by that much?  sounds a little obsurd.  I'd suggest getting a couple of options....and try shopping around.  I dont know how much the difference means to you relation to the American $.
Seems like using, and converting, the 1200 = $1700+
A while back the conversion was almost double 1200 would equal 2400.  So wow...that $ is rising!?  not sure I dont really watch the trend.

This place has some good info about prices sometimes(they have price guides):
Weekly cpu price guides:
Video card guide:
Memory prices (High End usually):

So some good info there.  I dont know if there's anything in the UK that would have prices listed in a FAIR manner.

Also here's a Gaming PC Review 2009 (the specs are a little bit older I think...but if you can find a review that is similar to the parts and the times....might give you a good idea on if you are getting a good deal or not):

So just take into consideration the conversion of the GBP to the Dollar.
Good luck!  PLEASE ask before buying...if you can get us brands and model #'s...we can look it up and compare prices and help work it out with you...
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