Question : Problem: Macro command to stop printing if paper is empty in tray

I have created Word macros to print to certain printers and tray, then going back to default printer.  For instance, when running the macro, the first page will print to Tray 3 while all other pages print to Tray 1.  Is there any command I can enter that will halt printing if all paper is gone in Tray 1?

I would like to not waste letterhead if possible.

Also, is there a way to hide the Tray 3 option for users, so they won't even be able to select Tray 3 in the properties of the printer?

Thank you in advance!

Answer : Problem: Macro command to stop printing if paper is empty in tray

To check for empty trays, you would need to use SNMP calls to ask the printer itself. It can presumably be done from a macro, but it's going to be rather complex.

However, a better way would be to set the printer up so it does not automatically switch trays when one is empty. That way it will stop and request letterhead in tray 3 before continuing. Setting that up is printer dependent, and can usually be done either from the printer's front panel buttons, or from the printer's built-in web page. Some printer models are more restrictive than others though.

As for hiding tray 3, if you tell the driver it's not installed, users won't see it under printer Properties. However, Word will still list it in Page Setup - which is where you need to select trays in the first page. At least that's how it is in my copy of Word 97. It's possible that later versions of Word take more notice of the driver. I'll check Word 2000 at home tonight.
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