Question : Problem: Need to upgrade HD's on Dell 1453 Raid 0. No more slots for additional drives..How?

I have a Dell 1435 Server with 2 250g drives Raid 0.
I need to upgrade (for space) the Drives to 500g Raid 0.
The server has 1 slot which is taken up by the Raid Card, and therefore I have nowhere to even Slave another drive in an effort to upgrade the drives.
What is a sensible path to take to upgrade my drives?
Note: this is a production server that is up 24.7 and downtime needs to be minimal.
Please let me know how you'd handle this and what tools you'd use.

Answer : Problem: Need to upgrade HD's on Dell 1453 Raid 0. No more slots for additional drives..How?

It can depend on the RAID controller.  Older Dell PERC controllers (PERC II/III) would allow you to create another RAID volume out of the additional space.  But I have seen some controllers that essentially "lock out" the additional space.

To be clear, the PARTITION will not expand.  You may be able to use the software tools for the RAID controller to expand the RAID Container, but then you would be well advised to either create a new partition and move things around or consider using DISKPART to extend a NON-BOOT/NON-SYSTEM partition (If your C: drive is full, you can manage it differently and make it so that is not a problem and then put everything else on other/another partition.
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