Question : Problem: Multiple monitors from one computer

Hi Experts,

we have 5 22" Dell monitors, I am about to purchase a computer that will display on those 5 monitors.

my client has a hair salon and would like to display pictures of hair cut on those five monitors , but different pictures at the time , like a different sliding show or rotating images. how can I accomplish that with one computer? or do I need to purchase 2 computers? and which video cards would work the best for me , I don't want to spend crazy money on it , I just want to display images on those five monitors. now my other issue is that 2 monitors will be placed 25 feet away from the 3 others. do I need to boost the signal or would it be fine if I just buy video extension cords.

Answer : Problem: Multiple monitors from one computer

You could do this pretty easily with Linux installed on the PC, and the images used as wallpapers. I for instance have an old Dell laptop with a docking station and the newest KDE version of Linux Mint installed. An external monitor is connected to the docking station and the system is setup to span the display across both monitors. I have configured the Desktop to use different Wallpapers in a slide show and the pictures are shown in random order in 1 minute intervals. The laptop's display and the external monitor now shows a different background picture and those change every minute. It works without hitch.

I think matrox makes good Grafic adapters with multiple heads, but I don't know if they have a card that has more than 4 heads.

Also I'm not sure about the distance. Generally you should just go to a PC shop and see what length the longest monitor cable is they have.
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