Question : Problem: veritas backup exec 11d

Hi we have veritas backup exec 11.d running on Windows 2003 R2 .  I added a new server to the domain and installed the veritas remote agent on the new server (pushed via the management console)

on the Job Setup I can see the new server listed, but when I click on it to select what I want to back up I get the following error:

"an error occured while attempting to browse the contents of (server name xxxx). A network connection to the server could not be established."

nothing in the event logs on either server and on the new server I see the BE remote agent service is running.

any ideas ?...any advice appreciated.

Answer : Problem: veritas backup exec 11d

Have you checked the logon criterias in BE? so the account used in BE does have the administritive rights  on the new server?
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