Question : Problem: Disable Onboard Graphic

I have a Trigem Imperial Motherboard.(Imperial-GLVE)in a Emachines 390 System. Strange is the fact that on the Emachines web site this 390 doesn't exist.
But i have managed after a lot of researches to find out that the motherboard is the above one.
I have also a PCI Graphic Card(ATI Radeon 7000) and i want to install this card on my PC. The problem is that i have to update the bios or to disable the onboard graphic to be able to get that PCI card working.Updating the bios is out of discussions so it remains to disable that onboard chipset.
I Know that the only way is trough the jumpers but...this mothervoard does't have jumpers for disabling onboard graphic.
Thanks a lot for your time and any help will be more than wellcome.
Regards,Laurentiu V.

Answer : Problem: Disable Onboard Graphic

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