Question : Problem: xp remote desktop with firewall

I have the iis server running on a client pc now. I then went to my external firewall and made it forward to her pc when trying to access from home. Now I want to do this for another user, how can this be done, especially since I already have the forwarding the the 1st pc. I noticed that when she logs in from home she leaves the Server box empty to log in. It is the only way she can get in. Any ideas the firewall we have is a netgear fvs318 prosafe vpn firewall. I already looked at the manual and I just don't understand it.......

Answer : Problem: xp remote desktop with firewall

Inside your port forwarding for your router do it like this example.

NAME                WAN PORT                     LAN IP                           LAN PORT

PC1                       3389                                3389
PC2                       3390                                 3389
PC3                       3391                                  3389

When you connect from a remote location you would enter your address plus the port number of the PC your trying to connect to

for example -->             68.XX.XX.XX:3390

The 68.XX.XX.XX is your IP address and the :3390 would specify you want to connect to PC2.

Let me know if this helps.
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