Question : Problem: Why does my computer's MEMORY still full even after I close most of the applications???

Hi, I have this problem with my computer's memory.

Let's say I run Photoshop and Flash together with some IE pages, MSN messanger, Outlook etc - the momory usage of my computer natuallry goes up (approx 800mb).

But the problem is that when I close all these programs the computers's memory doesn't come back to the initial level - normally around 280mb (when only baic and startup processes are running, for instance when I just start windows)

Can anyone help me out with this? I can't bring the memory back down. Even if if i close everything, I only recover some 200 mb maximum, the rest i dont know what is it...

I have disabled Swap file (virtual memory) and I have 1282 mb or RAM, Windows XP SP2

Please help!!


Answer : Problem: Why does my computer's MEMORY still full even after I close most of the applications???

I generally agree with the comments you've received so far, but i'd add a couple of suggestions.

1) for all the programs you use regularly, check for updates from the software vendors.   At least one of the packages has a serious memory leak if it will not return memory to Windows, and you should try to correct that.

2) there is at least one program you can install that can help in this situation.   FreeRAM XP Pro

will return RAM that was not freed up by closed programs back to Windows.   It may not return the RAM to the point you'd get from a reboot, but you'll get back a substantial amount of the RAM that's being lost.
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