Question : Problem: Geforce GPU fan speed control

My computer is self built and comprises an Asus P5N32 SLI SE Deluxe motherboard, Intel core 2 duo E6400 CPU, 2 x Gainward Bliss GeForce 6800 GS "GLH" Golden Sample GPUs, 2GB Crucial Ballistix RAM and Akasa 650W psu. The OS is Windows XP Pro with service pack 2 and all current updates. My problem is that the GPU cooling fans generally run at about 85% speed with occasional bursts up to 100% if the room is warm. This makes it pretty noisy. The installed software for the GPUs includes the EXPERTool control panel within which there is a provision for manual fan speed control. If I use this to reduce speed to minimum (50%) the fans just speed up again after a few seconds. Does anyone know if there is a software patch or any other workaround I could use to keep the speed down? I believe I have the latest NVIDIA Forceware release 90 drivers installed. The fans don't need to be at high speed as the GPUs run pretty cool, generally around 43 degrees C and most of the time I'm not using the 3D capabilities. Peace reigns (comparitively) with the fans at 50% and I would like to keep it that way unless I'm pushing the GPUs with some heavy 3D action.

Answer : Problem: Geforce GPU fan speed control

I use Rivatuner to modify fan speed and other settings.
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