Question : Problem: Right backup software and method

I have 10 windows 2000 and 2003 servers handling various application and services such as archives /email/ scan2 email and sms messaging and terminal sever handing tim client interface. I want to know what should i use for backing up servers as backup policy.

I have scheduled ntbackup for servers as full backup and daily incremnetal backup policy which happens daily

I want to know is it the right way to do DSR and maintain backup/Is sit the right software that i am using to backup

Can i rely on ntbackup when i need to restore backed up data

Please let me know ASAP

Answer : Problem: Right backup software and method

I wouldn't rely on NTBackup, Ntbackup is good for small things, and you can't put a machine to work only with NTBackup.

You should be using Veritas NetBackup, and a Backup Scheme called "GrandFather/ Father/ Son", which is, Bakup Full Daily, keep it a Week Retension, Backup Full Week, keet it a Month Retension, Backup a Month, keep it for 6-12 Months Retension!!

Best Regards !
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