Question : Problem: failed hard drive replacement

We have a 4 year old Dell desktop that functions as the file server in our very simple (2 other pc's plus the "server") XP network. On the Dell wehave our Quickbooks company file in a shared folder so that both of us can access it simultaneously (it is multi-user version of QB). Yesterday, the desktop housing that file failed to boot up. We got a message indicating that there is a problem with the drive (said: primary drive 0 operating outside normal parameters). I tried to boot up in safe mode but it hung at ...drivers\agp440.sys, then gave me registry file failure (at c0000218) and begin a physical memory dump. I also tried booting from last know good confirguration but ended up with the same registry file failure. I disconnected the drive and connected it to one of the other desktops as a slave and was able to access and read all files. I havepurchased a new hard drive and want to replace the bad one and need help. I cannot locate my windows XP CD-ROM so I cannot boot the bad drive from it to fix the registry files. What do you suggest? Can I get/make a startup CD anywhere online? Any other suggestions to replace my failed drive?

Thanks for your help

Answer : Problem: failed hard drive replacement

Are you trying to recover the data from the disk - if so DO NOT ATTEMPT to fix any errors on the bad drive you could make the situation worse!

If you have your Product ID then you can beg, steal or borrow a CD from someone and use your own Product ID (this is perfectly acceptable - apart from the seatling bit), and install Windows. You may have to contact MS when it comes to activating Windows again but when you explain the fact that you had a hardware failure they will issue a new code.

Once Windows is installed on the new disk, then restore the data from your backup or add the old drive as a slave and copy the data files from it.

If the disk is unreadable then you can try a utility like GetDataBack but do not write anything to the failed disk as you may overwrite the data you are trying to recover.
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