Question : Problem: What CPU (+ Motherboard/Chipset) do you recommend?


I would like some advice on what CPU (+ Motherboard/Chipset) would best suit my computing needs. This can be summarised as follows:

1. Intensive digital imaging user (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator) - using high-end 3rd party plugins,

2. Listening to downloaded MP3 music files,

3. Compiling music CD’s,

4. Downloading large files,

5. General Internet browsing & e-mail,

6. Word-processing,

7. NB.  I don’t play any games!!!

What do you recommend and why?

What about 64 bit computing? - is it a good idea to invest in this technology now, given my computing requirements?

I would appreciate a spectrum of suggestions from cheaper “value for money” options up to higher-end systems. I am willing to pay for the right set-up!

Thanks in anticipation for your help.

Regards,      Tim Clyma.

Answer : Problem: What CPU (+ Motherboard/Chipset) do you recommend?

Budget motherboard and cpu
Albatron KX400-8XV PRO V2.0 $49
Duron 1.8GHz $44

You can add a faster processor to suit your needs, and memory to fill it out.

The high end is an Abit or Asus motherboard that supports an Athlon 64 FX53 cpu, but 64-bit computing isn't really supported yet, and your usage doesn't require it.

In the middle is something like a P4 2.4c or Athlon 2500+ (Barton is the better AMD cpu in this range because of the 166 FSB) and an Abit IC7-G or Asus A7N8X motherboard.
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