Question : Problem: Erratic USB Ports

I have an Dell Inspiron 700M.  The USB ports have been erratic for a long time - they particularly seem to have trouble recognizing my mouse and some flash drives for some reason.  Sometimes they work, frequently I get a "device not recognized" message.  Sometimes they see the device but it doesn't work, etc.

Originally I got a port replicator which was pretty much useless.  Then I got a card with 2 extra ports - that works fine - even supports a hub with 4 more ports.  Recently, due to an optical drive issue, my motherboard was replaced, I deleted partitions and reinstalled Windows (XP pro) and reinstalled drivers, made sure BIOS was up to date - the works.  I either have lost the drivers CD or they never sent it to me so the drivers were downloaded from the Dell website. Same usb problem.  I spent a long time on the phone with Dell yesterday.  I have to say, although they are far from perfect, their support is better than it was a few years ago, especially in the upper tiers.  They reinstalled the drivers (I may have done them out of order)  but couldn't get it to work.  I also now have missing drivers for a "mass storage device" which they can't find drivers for.  They are researching it and supposed to call me back.

I read about this problem from a post a few years back and I think I have covered the suggestions made.    Any new discoveries I can try?  Dell is suggesting that I may need to reinstall.  They say I couldn't have done a complete reinstall because I don't have the network driver on CD and couldn't have connected to download the other drivers.   Does that make sense?  Is there more than one way to wipe everything out and reinstall?  I also reset everything back to factory settings prior to the reinstall.  

It is sounding to me like this is a problem with the 700M and I just need to continue to live with it.  Any clarification and/or suggestions would be most welcome.

Answer : Problem: Erratic USB Ports

The Texas Instruments PCI7420 Flash Memory/SD Reader driver is probably the mass storage device.

BUT the order you install the drivers can be VERY important.
As per
To quote Garycase
"If you do a clean OS install you should do the following:

(1)  Install XP

(2)  Update it to SP2 if it wasn't done from an SP2 CD

(3)  Install the chipset drivers

(4)  Install the ethernet drivers

(5)  Install the sound card drivers

(6)  Install the video card drivers

1-3 should be done in that order; 4-6 can be done in any order."

That caused "all my USB devices work EXCEPT USB Mass Storage Devices"
One work around was
"1. After reading around a bunch of forums, there seems to be a quick fix: to disable the "Intel .... USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller". (In device manager)

Although you get messages about the device can run faster it caused all that persons USB devices to work.

Give it a try and see if that helps.
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