Question : Problem: was : USB Freecom traveller + another USB storage device = reboot of XP

this is a follow up on this thread: which I closed a bit fast (holidays, holidays !)
Here it was :
I have a Freecom traveller USB2 DVD RW. When it is plugged in the machine and I add to the system another USB storage device (USB key, Groovecase PikaOne mainly) the machine instantly reboots without any error messages. If the devices stay plugged the machine starts to boot then reboots, and so on. As soon as any one of the two devices is unplugged the machine starts and work ok, regardless of which one as been taken away.
Of course, I got used to it and usually unplug one befor plugging the other in, but once in while I forget and it's quite &#=@!!...

the problem is still the same but I have new data:
 1 the powered hub did not solve the problem: seemed it would, but the bug is back.
 2 VERY SIGNIFICATIVE: read below:

the problem also occurs when I do this:
-boot the PC,
-plug in the USB freecom burner,
-unplug it just after it is detected (witout using it),
-plug in the groovecase Mp3 Reader,
-and bang, reboot....

I tried to wait some time before putting the groovecase back in... same result.

If I do it the other way around: first groovecase then freecom it's all right, provided I unplug the grovecase first.
I also had the same  result with some USB flashdrive keys (but not every one of them)

So the problem is strictly in putting the groovecase in after the freecom has been there, wether it is still there or not.
I got a copy of the error report xp shows on the next boot, hope it helps:

BCCode : d1     BCP1 : 20FC7538     BCP2 : 00000002     BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : 81FC7483     OSVer : 5_1_2600     SP : 1_0     Product : 256_1

Thanks for any help, I'm getting even madder than I already was !

Answer : Problem: was : USB Freecom traveller + another USB storage device = reboot of XP

Very likely, that means the motherboards are not up to par.  I have the same problem with USB devices at home - one machine (newer one) accepts everything, the other is finicky.  Nothing you can do about that, except replace the motherboard, or use a powered hub (which didn't work for you).
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