Question : Problem: The Life of storage

Please provide some information on the lifetimes of various forms of digital storage and what new technologies are being developed in this area.

Archealogists can find writings on stone that are thousands of years old and learn an incredible amount of information about that culture. What is going to come of our digital civilization a few thousand years from now, will scientists find a dark age in human history? There seems to be a trend that has been occuring for a long time to make everything digital.  I am no exception, i prefer digital, but what is going to happen to all the products of human creativity thousands of years from now? Are they worth preserving? If we digitize all our art and writings, can they be preserved in a way that will allow future civilizations to enjoy? They could be backed up over and over again but how long can data be backed up before it starts to become corrupted? Would that be a problem? etc etc.


Answer : Problem: The Life of storage

No I'm not into the holographic storage industry I'm currently dealing with fibre optics. I guess optics is the meeting point.
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