Question : Problem: I have a print spooler question; if anyone could help I really would appreciate it.

Im experiencing spooler issues with a printer. The print spooler would disable its self randomly after being reinstalled.

First step, I would take to troubleshoot the issue is
Right click Start
Explore / Windows / System32 / Spool and delete all files in the Drivers& Printers folders.

Second step,
Boot PC into Safe Mode
Start / Run / Regedit
Open-Hkey_Local_Machine folder
System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print and Open Environment & Monitors  

I would delete all files not folders in Windows NTx86/ Drivers & everything except the five standard files inside the Monitor folder.  

After reinstalling spooler Im able to print for a few days until spooler disables its self again.  

Answer : Problem: I have a print spooler question; if anyone could help I really would appreciate it.

I think it may come from the printer driver. When was last time you updated it?

As it is, I would consider that you better desinstall all your printer drivers and erase your printer. Do a reboot and re-install it + make sure to update the printer driver. The spooler issues won't appear again.

Hope that helps
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