Question : Problem: $MFT is corrupt and unreadable run checkdisk. Help!!!

I have a Nas Server running Advanced Server 2000. The drived are C and an E dirves which is raid 5 with 5 73 hard drives.  Last night an error poped up in the screen saying that the E drive $MFT is corrupt and unreadable run checkdisk. So tonight I will be running checkdisk. Dell open manage doesn't show any problems on the disks. Any other suggestions if checkdisk doesn't work. I am backing up the data on the drive now and looking for thr install disks.  

Answer : Problem: $MFT is corrupt and unreadable run checkdisk. Help!!!

MFT is Master File Table - MFT errors are often associated with not being able to write to a specific drive or volume - since you have a RAID 5 volume - checkdisk may/may not be able to fix it. but before you run checkdisk backup the data first.
After the backup and check disk - I would run a hardware diagnostic on each drive - and also on the controller board itself.

If you can shutdown the server, re-seat all the drives and any boards associated with the RAID hardware- backplanes , raid controller boards, cables, etc

Also - check the version of your Dell software- and make sure you have the newest one - along with the newest drivers...
If you come up empty on this - I would attempt a firmware update on the controller, backplane (if it exists)- then drives (if possible).  
Post the results of your check disk and HW diagnostics, along with the hardware description (server model, raid controller type, etc.) and lets go from there.

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