Question : Problem: How do I get a serial conencted signature pad to be recognized in a windows 2003 terminal services session?
I am trying to connect a topaz signature pad to a Maxterm Maxspeed Linux thin client and have it be recognized in a Windows 2003 Terminal server session. I have installed the Topaz software on the terminal server and tried running the command net use com1: \\client\com1: I get a workstation not found in response to that command. I have also substituted the actual workstation host name for "client" in the command and that does not work either. The thin client uses a RDP5 program but I see no serial port setting in the RDP settings other than for a modem.
Is this possible and if so how do I go about it?
Answer : Problem: How do I get a serial conencted signature pad to be recognized in a windows 2003 terminal services session?
Here we go again. I do not understand why people still try to use Linux... :-) The problem here is simple: Linux does NOT have an official, Microsoft supported, RDP Client. All Linux RDP Clients are based on RDesktop that was developed by reverse engineering RDP. This means it does NOT support all features and more than that, some of the features do NOT work properly. As a test try connecting your serial device to a Windows XP PC, launch MSTSC on the PC and connect to the same TS (make sure you check the 'Serial Ports' on the MSTSC connection properties). It will probably work. If that is the case you are out of luck. Get a Thin Client with a Microsoft supported RDP Client (meaning those running Windows CE or XP Embedded) or use a full blown PC.
Cláudio Rodrigues Microsoft MVP Windows Server - Terminal Services