Question : Problem: Veritas Back-Up Exec Win Server 2k - system state won't back-Up

I'm having issues trying to back up the system state on one of my 2k servers.
It was working fine.
I lost a drive in the RAID 5 Array.
since the array has been re-built I get the following.

Unable to open the item Registry\software - skipped.
An error occurred retrieving System State files.
The System State file could not be backed up.

I saw a similar question but it was abandoned.
BE 8.5

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Veritas Back-Up Exec Win Server 2k - system state won't back-Up

Check the permission of the account that is being used to run BE backup.

Start select RUN
Type regedt32
Look at the registry branck

Select branch "HKLM\Software "
From file menu select edit Permissions

Makse sure admin account being used for backup has full control .
Re-propogate the security to the sub branches.


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