Question : Problem: L4vxa2 ecs motherboard cpu? cpus?

I have a L4VXA2 motherboard from ecs with the northbridge and south bridge in it, but Aidee 32 says the the second cpu is disabled by user and also a report states that my graphics card "sis315t" is at a slower rate of speed than the 8x it says it supports. Any ideas?

Answer : Problem: L4vxa2 ecs motherboard cpu? cpus?

First, AIDA32 says the second cpu is disabled because your motherboard supports only single cpu's, not dual.   There is no second cpu to enable.

Obviously the northbridge and southbridge are working, but these are not cpu's, they are the controlling chipset on the motherboard.  If they weren't working, your board wouldn't be working and you couldn't load your operating system.

And although your motherboard has an AGP8X slot, the graphics card you are using is only an AGP4X card.  As such, it can only run at AGP4X as that's all it is.

Your components are fine and everything showing in AIDA is correct.  
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