Question : Problem: VPN Tunnel between a Cisco 515 to Linksys RV042

I need to setup a VPN Tunnel between a Cisco 515 and a Linksys RV042.  I currently have two 501s connected to this 515, so do I need additional programming.  I know I need to add the programming for the new subnet in my access lists, add the line for the peer, and program the password, but will my crypto lines and ISAKMP lines be different between my 501s and my RV042.,

Also, how to I then configure the RV042.  I have not had any luck yet.  I get IKE Tunnels, but I do not get IPSEC tunneles.

Answer : Problem: VPN Tunnel between a Cisco 515 to Linksys RV042

Double-check in the VPN settings on the Linksys that the VPN is setup as a "Gateway to Gateway", & that both the local & remote security gateway type is set to: subnet.  The remote subnet should be the LAN you're trying to get to on the PIX side.

If the above is set correctly, then you probably just need to fix your ACLs on the 515.
1) What's the IP & subnet mask of the inside interface on the RV042?
2) Please post your entire "sanitzed" config for your 515 (ie, passwords removed/masked-out & public IPs masked-out like so: x.x.x.24).

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