Question : Problem: PSU for 8-pin CPU connector?
I recently bought motherboard Foxconn P9657AA-8EKRS2H and now found there's an 8-pin cpupower connector instead of a 4-pin conector on it. Which brings up the issue of what PSU would be compatible / advisable for use with this motherboard. There's no compatibility list for that matter on the Foxconn site.
Other hardware installed: - CPU: Intel Q6600 Core2 Quad - RAM: 4x 2Gb Kingston - HDD: 4x 80Gb Seagate SATA2 - VGA: Foxconn GF7200GS
Answer : Problem: PSU for 8-pin CPU connector?
NO !! Use an EPS12V power supply => it will have the 12v bus capacity to properly handle the CPU load on that connector. There's a reason there's an 8-pin connector on an EPS12V system => the load is large enough that it needs to be distributed across more "feeds" (wires) from the PSU.
Just buy any EPS12V power supply and you're fine. I know you're in Europe and can't buy from Newegg, but this would be a very good unit if your distributor has this model available: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151034