Question : Problem: Best way to sync Palm with Mac and Windows

I'm trying to find the best way to sync a plam pilot between a PC and a Mac - the current method, with NOW on the Mac and Palm on the PC, is generating too many duplicates.

Here;s what the client wants:

Not to use Apple Address Book
The Palm program for Mac doesn't show the note field the way she wants.
Entourage doesn't show the note field the way she wants.

We've been trying NOW 5.3.1 on the Mac.
WIth the Palm software on the Windows machine.

Right now the sync is out of control.  There are 10-12 copies of each name, and a lot of the names on NOW appear to be unintentional combinations.

I assume corruption in NOW.  So we'll get one set of information duplicate free, and then start with a new data file on Now.

I'm just worried about how long it will be until the contacts start dupicating again, and how to prevent it.

Answer : Problem: Best way to sync Palm with Mac and Windows

You need to change the type of sync you do with one of the computers.  You can't just use a normal sync on both computers or you will have problems.  It wouldn't matter if they were both Windows or Mac.  When you sync with one of the computers you should have it just read the Palm not do a two-way sync.  This would be the only way to get around the limit of syncing with just one computer.

If you really need to sync the Windows and Mac computer's info you should figure out a way to do this direct, not through the Palm's sync which isn't made for that.

Let me know if you have a question about this or need more info.

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