Question : Problem: Connect Wireless Network Connection

Hi, I am trying to implement a Wireless LAN.  I am using Cisco kit and all of the DHCP, VLAN, Routing is all working properly.  I am using a CA to request and issue Certificates onto the
Pcs and the process is working very well. I have however, some inconsistencies these seem to be within the build of XP, but even with the same type of Driver on the same SP can be inconsistent.

Once the Windows WLAN Client is configured (see below) the Pc then attempts to access the WLAN and obtain an IP ADDR.
*** Configured within the following area:-
START > CONTROL PANEL > NETWORK CONNECTIONS > WLAN properties > Wireless Networks (tab) > Properties > Authentication (tab) > Properties  ***

At this final point the authentication is required using the Certificate and there's some manual intervention that is required prior to the ACS allowing the Pc to access the Access Point and gain an IP ADDR.
This manual intervention is because the PC and the CA are within the corp AD, where as the ACS hasn't and isn't within the AD.  Therefore the certificate is released with a Connection User name of [email protected], I have to amend the Connection user name to john.mills.

Some of the versions of XP even though on the same LAN and have the same build either do or don't have this option, please see the attached example and this needs to be available to all of the Wifi Windows Clients.  Many Thanks guys - Jim.

Answer : Problem: Connect Wireless Network Connection

Are they all patched with the latest MS updates ( Not windows update ! )

What about drivers ?

I hope this helps !
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