Question : Problem: PS2 Keyboard Stops Working After USB Keyboard Install

This is too strange. I plugged a USB keyboard into a pc I was working on in my office. While a virus scan was running on that pc, I started working on a different pc. I grabbed another USB keyboard and plugged it into the 2nd machine. Note that both of the USB keyboards were brand new Microsoft Comfort Curve models. I finished repairs on both pc's and returned them to their respective owners.

The next day both owners returned their pc's saying that when they got home and plugged their systems back in, they had no keyboard functions. I thought it was simply a BIOS issue, but I found nothing there that would explain the keyboard behavior. Neither BIOS had any kind of PS2 enable/disable setting. Tried disabling legacy USB support. In both cases the Microsoft USB keyboard would work, but not a PS2 keyboard.

Before these two people brought their pc's back, I was working on a 3rd machine that I also connected one of the Microsoft USB keyboards to. You guessed it ... this one too failed to allow a PS2 keyboard to function afterwards. Three different computers, 3 different BIOS's. The only common element is the MS Comfort Curve keyboard. It looks like anything these keyboards plug into is ruined forever from being able to use a PS2 keyboard. Anyone ever hear of such a thing???

Answer : Problem: PS2 Keyboard Stops Working After USB Keyboard Install

Strange - and if you boot from a bootable cd ?      Knoppix                                     BartPe
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