Question : Problem: Epson TM T8III Receipt Printer

I Have a TM T8III Receipt Printer connected to the serial port of my computer running Windows XP and using the Advance Printer driver.  The printing speed is rather slow even on 90dpi.  How do I speed up the printing process so that the receipt shoots out like it does in the shops?

Hope you can help.


Answer : Problem: Epson TM T8III Receipt Printer


Because the printer is a serial printer your print speed is affected by how fast data is getting to the printer. One of things is happening here:

1) The other printer may not have been serial, if it was a Parallel or other model, it would have been faster.

2) The other printer may have been serial and using no driver, just direct communication between the program and the printer. This takes a program that is written specifically for the printer.

3) Data rates (specifically the Baud rate) can be different. Theres may have been set faster than yours.

I would first set the baud rate as high as possible for the printer (you may have to make a setting on the printer first) and see if this solves this issue. I would say this is your best bet.

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