Question : Problem: MS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse not recognized after repair install

I was having XP MCE giving continous BSOD (code 6f). I performed a repair install and applied all of the MS updates and patches including SP3 and the updates that follow SP3. The problem that I am having is that the desktop PC (Acer Aspire ASE-380) doesn't recognize the MS wireless keyboard and mouse. I have removed the hardware, removed the software, rebooted, downloaded the newest drivers from MS rebooted and reinstalled the hardware. When the PC is in the BIOS mode the keyboard works as I can get into the BIOS setup. However, Windows doesn't see the hardware. Checking Device manager does not show the hardware, and a refresh on the device manager screen still doesn't show the keyboard or mouse. I have tried changing batteries as well as using the "connect" buttons on both KB and mouse.
This seems really simple but I don't know what I am missing.

Answer : Problem: MS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse not recognized after repair install

It's quite possible that the repair of Windows has messed up the ability to recognize the USB Mouse and Keyboard. You may need to do a complete reload of the OS to resolve this issue, as your steps that you've taken are all of the logical steps prior to a complete OS reload.
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