Question : Problem: Password Protect Drive

On my MacBook Pro, I have set up a dual boot system with Windows XP and Mac OS X Leopard with Boot Camp.  Now I see the drive icon, which I call Windows, on my Mac desktop and if I click on it I can open and access to all the files within the Windows drive from Mac since I format the drive in FAT32.  

My question is how I can password protect this Windows drive?   There is another user account, let's say "Guest", that may share this MacBook Pro occasionally but I don't want this guest to be able to see my Windows folders/files when they login to Mac.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Answer : Problem: Password Protect Drive

You can create an AppleScript or Automator action that will unmount the drive at login. You can also modify a file in your OS that tells the system which drives to mount at startup. Instead of typing it all out here, you can go to this link, where he spells the procedure out in great detail:

Note that not only will you have to change the name of your drive's unique identifier (UUID), you will have to change the format of your drive in the string as well (not sure if it will be MSDOS, FAT or FAT32).

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