Question : Problem: Trying to Recover Files from Dead NTFS Partition

I have an old HP tower computer running Windows XP that no longer boots up due to a bad HDD. I pulled the HDD out and put it into an external enclosure. When I attach the enclosure to my Windows laptop, it can only see and read the files on the FAT32 partition that contains the HP Recovery Partition. It does not see the larger NTFS partition that holds the OS.

When I attach the enclosure to my Linux laptop, Konqueror shows  both partitions but it shows no files in the NTFS partition. I used GParted and it shows both partitions A 5.03 Gig Fat32 partition and a 69.5 Gig NTFS partition.

This HDD drive is clearly on its deathbed. But I'd like to be able to read the NTFS volume to see if I can browse and possibly recover some files.

Anybody have any suggestions on how I might be able to do this, either in Linux or Windows?

Answer : Problem: Trying to Recover Files from Dead NTFS Partition

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