Question : Problem: Win 2K server as Remote Desktop server?

I have a Windows 2000 Server at work that I also use as my workstation.

At home, I have a Vista Basic computer with basically nothing else installed on it.

I would like to be able to access my work computer from home, including my work email and programs (such as Adobe Illustrator) and network tools that are not installed on my home computer.

I realize that W2K comes with Terminal Services but from what I understand this would allow me to connect my home computer to our network as though it were physically in the office, but this is not what I want - I need to access my computer's programs and desktop.

Microsoft's download site only has the Remote Desktop client (not server). Is it possible to use Remote Desktop on the Windows 2000 Server and if so where do I get it.

I am the system administrator so yes... I have permission to do this :-)

Answer : Problem: Win 2K server as Remote Desktop server?

Sorry X about the long delay getting back to you, but dont worry I didnt forget about you : )
Most of the research I did on it keeps turning up the same thing over and over and Im sure you probably already found this as well:
Error Message:
You could not be authenticated on this server.
There are three possible causes for this error: 1) The server has been shut down. 2) You have not been authorized to access the server. 3) Terminal Services is not running on the server.
User Action:
To correct this problem: 1) Restart the server. 2) Contact the person with administrative rights on the server to obtain permission to access the server. 3) Start Terminal Services on the server.

Well we know the server is obviously running and can only assume that your the one with administrative rights on the machine (you are actually attempting this with an admin acct right?), so I would check in services to make sure terminal services is running and starting it if its not running.

Aside from that you may want to try uninstalling term services, rebooting, then reinstalling it again... just make sure you have the install cd before you do : )
The only other thing I could find was a posting on different forum and Im not sure if this is an option...
Here was the solution to the problem.  I got help from Microsoft to solve the problem.  There was a corrupt Terminal Services registry key.  The following key was corrupt - HKEY\LOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService.  The fix was to import a good key from a working TS server and reboot the server.  This fixed the problem completely.  Thanks for all the input I hope this proves useful to others.

Glad I didnt hit submit yet, found this as well... on our forums : )
it was in regards to 2k3 server but may apply here... the solution is at the bottom of that link

Hope something here helps...
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