Question : Problem: lacie drive remote reboot through telnet

I have lacie drive that I cannot seem to connect to across a vpn
I can telnet into the firewall/router
and from that telnet session I can telnet 80 (lacie drive)
Basically when I press enter I can see things like
400 Bad Request

400 Bad Request

rted method.

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

I seen this site
which allows you to a remote shutdown, through typing a url to remotley shut it down,
but I dont know how to do this through telnet or even if might work through telnet, its a bit of long shot, any help with but really appreciated.

Answer : Problem: lacie drive remote reboot through telnet

Port 80 is generally/normally used for HTTP, not telnet.  Although you are using telnet on your side the other side is a web server and expecting HTTP commands.  I know how to type HTTP commands using a telnet client, but I don't know how to pass the userid and password for authentication.

What I think you need to do is setup the firewall so that you can http directly to the lacie box and then use a normal web browser to do this.
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