Question : Problem: 1 PC with 3 Monitors using Cat5 VGA Video Splitter 2-Channel the display disappears

Hi all,

I need some help.  I have a PC with OS WinXP Pro running a PowerPoint slide show that needs to be displayed on 2 monitors in other locations in my plant.

I have installed a Black Box Cat5 Video Splitter 2-Channel (AC500A) on the PC.  Am using 3 brand new ViewSonic 19" Monitors (G90fb) with Black Box Cat5 Video Spltter Remote (AC502A) and Black Box Cat5 Video Splitter Remote LR (AC503A) attached to the monitors.  All 3 Black Boxes have been connected directly with Cat5e cable.  Monitor settings are at 1024 X 768 with 85 MHz refresh rate.  All PC power saving settings for the monitor have been set to "never" and no hibernation.  Display adapter is ATI Technologies Rage 128 PRO Ultra  GL ABP.

My problem is that the PowerPoint presentation displays on the remote monitors for a short time period.  After about 5-10 minutes the image starts to blink and then the screen goes completely dark with no display.  The power on light remains green like it is receiving data but there is no image.  The "local" monitor works great and does not lose the display.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Answer : Problem: 1 PC with 3 Monitors using Cat5 VGA Video Splitter 2-Channel the display disappears

This sounds like the remote monitors think there is no signal after 5-10 min.  You need to isolate where in the chain the signal is failing.
- Swap the receiver boxes to see if they all behave the same way, so that you can eliminate the receivers as the cause.  
- Try the same setup using short lengths of cat5 instead of going all they way to the remote location.  
- Test the ethernet cabling between yourself and the remote locations, using an ethernet tester.
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