Question : Problem: "x-forwarded-for" header using Foundry ServerIron XL

A client is considering purchasing a used loadbalancer. He has located a Foundry ServerIron XL Model FBS8.

He wants to know:

"Does router send a "x-forwarded-for" header or something similar? I need that information because our actual environment ( i use a Alteon 184 loadbalancer) only send proxy ip to my webcluster. I need the real client ip addresses in my apache log."

Apparently the seller doesn't have documentation. We are working to get documentation through Foundry Networks, but that will take a couple of days, if it's even available.

Any help would be appreciated.



Answer : Problem: "x-forwarded-for" header using Foundry ServerIron XL

The Foundry doesn't support header insertion.  It's a low end packet based load balancer, it can only manipulate the layer 3 packet but it can base decisions on layer 4-7.

The F5 BigIP LTM is one of the few load balancers that allow you to do full OSI manipulation on the packets.  The F5 has a built in option to do "x-forwarded-for".

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