Question : Problem: Windows XP -- Network Card goes to Limited Or No Connectivty in 2-3 seconds

I do some computer work on the side for friends mostly and some other people.

A friend of mine just gave me their computer (which was infected with more virri than I have ever seen)

I cleaned all of the Virri and then I went to see if her internet was working.

When I plug in a network cable (or use the wireless) Both of them show as connected (the wireless even lets me put in the password)

Then right away it jumps to "Limited or No COnnectivity"  Usually when I get this problem the computer at least TRIES to get an IP address for 20 to 30 seconds but this is saying Limited or No COnnectivity no more than 2-3 seconds after it connects.

I have tried Winsock Ive tried resetting the IP stack. Tried reinstalling the network drivers.

Anyone else have any ideas?

Answer : Problem: Windows XP -- Network Card goes to Limited Or No Connectivty in 2-3 seconds

Looks like your hosts file got infected. Just go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc, open the files names "hosts" (no extension on it) in Notepad, and delete everything in it. Then just copy the following line into it and save the file:       localhost

Also, you need to go to, get the LSPfix.exe, and run that to fix your Winsock settings, as they have been borked ("O10 - Broken Internet access because of LSP provider 'c:\windows\system32\calsp.dll' missing"). That'll probably fix your connectivity issue, but you need to finish cleaning house.

Finally, C:\WINDOWS\System32\svcd\svchost.exe looks awfully questionable since your svchost file is actually under C:\WINDOWS\System32. I'd kill that process and rename the C:\WINDOWS\System32\svcd\ directory. Then click Start, select Run, and type "msconfig" (without quotes) and click OK. Click on the Startup tab and scroll through there looking for anything "svcd" to deselect. Then reboot and see if that doesn't clear it up.
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