Question : Problem: Vistascan preview garbage

I was previously running Vistascan 3.5 on Windows 98 without any problems. Then I upgraded to Windows XP SP2. I could not install my UMAX Astra 2200 scanner (USB). After a lot of time - say about a few months - of searching I came across a solution by which I could install the scanner flawlessly - I installed Vistascan 3.55u. And it scans alright. Here's the problem.

I launch Vistascan. I put in a test picture to scan. I click on the Preview button. What I get in the preview window is a garbage image. Only diagonal lines, colored. In spite of this, I go ahead and press the Scan button. After the completion of scan, I view the scanned image in a viewer - ACDSee - and it's a perfect scan.

So what I now face as a problem is that even if I wish to scan say a 3 x 2 picture, I must scan the entire window of the scanner, go to photoshop and crop what I wish to have. Doing this every time can be a pain. I also noticed that the jpeg scans come out nice but tiff scans are just diagonal lines as in the preview window.

What can be the problem and how can I solve it?


Answer : Problem: Vistascan preview garbage

Have you tried scanning the same image in different resolutions with different properties?? See if we can figure out the underlying problem with this. Have a go and let me know, what you get.
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