Question : Problem: Ghosting partition and leaving unpartitioned space available?

Is there a way to use a norton ghost image to restore to different hard drive sizes?

I want to back up a C: partition with a partition size of 20GB, and the rest of the space unallocated... how can I do that?

We build our servers the same way except they all have varying sizes of space, which is why I want to restore the C: with 20GB and leave the rest unpartitioned so that I can configure it as I want to.

Much obliged for any help!

Answer : Problem: Ghosting partition and leaving unpartitioned space available?

When you restore the image you are shown a screen to set the partition sizes and it shows you the old size and the new size of the partition along with the size of the data.  To have it default to the same size as the master image you would run ghost with the -SZEE switch.

ghost -SZEE

This will default to the restored partition being 20 GB but you still have the option to change it.
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