Question : Problem: remote command execution using cygwin/sshd

okay i need to start outlook on 2 remote windows machines (Win1 and Win2).
The 2 machines are part of a domain and have cygwin/sshd installed.

So i ssh in to the 2 machines remotely from a third machine Win3, and try to start outlook by executing
cmd /c "OUTLOOK.EXE"

here is hte problem, outlook doesnt start properly, ive narrowed the problem down to the fact that although i login via ssh as administrator on both win1 and win2, if i do a cmd /c "WHOAMI.EXE" it shows

instead of

how do i make cygwin user the user credentials of the remotely logged in user i.e MyDomain\Administrator to start Outlook

Answer : Problem: remote command execution using cygwin/sshd

windoze is a single user, single task single whatever system
hence you cannot use the display as another user which is the case when sshd is started as service
That's why windoze has to so-called remote control software which brings the local display to another machine.

IIRC a service can be started as a specific user, so if you start the sshd service as the user logged in, then you can remote log in with ssh and start GUI applications. Simple, isn't it? :)
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