Question : Problem: Virtual Server 2005 guest will not receive traffic from host

I have just loaded 2 different Poweredge 2850's with Windows 2003 Server x64 R2.  The first one I turned into a Citrix server and started loading applications.   Then I loaded Virtual Server 2005 on it.  I created a few VM's and Hard drives.  When I tried to connect to the physical network with the VM's, they were unable to.  All I get is a bunch of Send traffic and no receive traffic.  I loaded the second Poweredge 2850 to rule out Presentation Server as the problem.  
I tried:
Updating the NIC Drivers on the 2850
hard coding the NIC to 100tx
reinstalling the Virtual services on the NIC
Turned off the remote management NIC on the server

Thanks for your help

Answer : Problem: Virtual Server 2005 guest will not receive traffic from host

My Virtual adaptor settings
My Virtual adaptor settings
My Virtual adaptor settings
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