Question : Problem: Can I do a "pseudo" Ready Boost on this XP laptop?

I have Vista on my computer and I use a USB thumbdrive to increase memory and speed.  Can anyone tell me if and how I can do the same on my wife's Acer Aspire 5612 laptop to help speed up her memory?  Or am I just better off buying extra memory for her laptop?  She has space for one more Gig of memory.

Answer : Problem: Can I do a "pseudo" Ready Boost on this XP laptop?

On windows XP you can not add a USB thumbdrive to 'boost the memory and speed' as you can in Vista. So the best option would be to add a module of 1GB if you are in the need of extra memory.  
(If you are for the moment low on free ram memory this will also boost the speed on xp.)

But please first check how much memory you use of you available memory. Else it could be a waste of money.

In task manager (check just before you shutdown, after you have worked a whole while with the laptop, also check this on several moments and after you used all programs you normally use)
Tab Performance  Compare Physical Memory total with commit charge Peak
If your physical memory is higher than your peak then adding memory will not help much.You could then better save you money to buy a new laptop.
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