Question : Problem: Iphone 3g connecting to Exchange 2003 with Push keeping a constant connection to the server

I have an Iphone 3g with 2.1 firmware connecting to Exchange 2003 running on Small Business Server 2003.  Generally, the connection works fine, in that mail, contacts, and calendars sync properly.  The problem is that with Push enabled, the phone is keeping a constant connection to the server, and eating up the battery life in a matter of hours.  With Push disabled, and the phone set to Fetch every 15 minutes, the battery is good for 24 hours or more.

The IIS log on the server shows that with Push enabled, the Iphone is connecting every 6 seconds or more.  With Push disabled, the log shows the Iphone connecting every 15 minutes as per my Fetch schedule.  There are also other Windows Mobile devices connecting to this server using Push that do not show abnormal connection activity.  I do not have the expertise to analyze the IIS logs to attempt to determine the cause of this issue (whether it is a server issue or an Iphone/Apple issue).  

Thank you.

Answer : Problem: Iphone 3g connecting to Exchange 2003 with Push keeping a constant connection to the server

Disabling the contacts and the calendar was one of the first things I tried, without success.  That said, I have found the cause of this issue, and a temporary work-around.  You can read the full solution here - but in short, the problem was meeting requests still in my inbox.  Once I deleted those meeting requests (all of them, accepted, unfulfilled, and pending) my Push started to work properly.  
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