Question : Problem: GSM modem on PABX

I'm trying to connect to a GSM modem, from a standard in-laptop (Windows) modem behind a PABX

Laptop contains modem
Modem connected to PABX in the office
PABX linked to the outside world

GSM modem sitting on my desk
Connected to a COM port.

I am simply using Hyperterminal to connect to both modems. I ATDxxxx on the laptop, on it's modem, and dial the GSM modem.
I'm also connected to the GSM modem via Hyperterminal.

I get a 'RING' 'RING'.
I 'ATA' to answer

Both modems squark for a while... then I get NO CARRIER.

If I try it from outside, i.e. without going through the PABX, then it works.

If I try it with two GSM modems, it works.

i.e the PABS seems to be either the problem, or the straw that breaks the camels' back.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Answer : Problem: GSM modem on PABX

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