Question : Problem: Which id the Latest version of widcomm stack ?

I wanted to know about the latest version of widcomm stack.
i am using

Answer : Problem: Which id the Latest version of widcomm stack ?

Depends what chipset, probably.

Start at
Float the cursor over the Bluetooth flyout menu, then the Silcon & Software submenu.

For the developer's kit check

I don't see anything there for vista, though.

The newest on Dell's site I see for their 355 (made by Broadcom) is It's not clear to me if 2609 is a higher version than 801, but it's just about 2 years old.
The only thing I see on Dell's site for vista is a utility to re-enable the Bt module after 'upgrading' from XP to vista ( that's from about a year ago.

Maybe if you give us more details we could give you more-specific info.  I checked Dell's site because that's what I'm sitting here typing on. :-)

All the sites I had bookmarked with instructions for patching the Widcomm drivers have been asked by Broadcomm to remove the info, so they did. ergo it may not be wise to exchange that info here either or it might just end up getting the whole thread deleted.

Hope that helps.
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